The Irish Independent - December 2022
Get your house in order with help from the decluttering experts
This was a fabulous collaboration with Eleanor Flegg on an emotional phone call.
Here is a snippet:
“When my house is untidy, I feel that I’m failing at life. Case in point, the sofa. It’s come to the end of its useful life and nobody else wants it. Probably, it’s destined for the local authority recycling centre but the logistical difficulties of getting it there, plus environmental guilt, have stood in the way. It’s still clogging up the living room, reproaching me every time I pass.
“Things talk to you,” says Suzy Kell, professional organiser and decluttering coach. “Every time you walk past that couch it will remind you that it’s still there. It’s like a notification on your phone that won’t go away.” She suggests that I give myself permission to get rid of the couch. “You have to acknowledge that you are a good user of things. You are not a terrible person if you don’t recycle every fibre of that sofa. Nobody is going to be angry with you. Letting go of it will free you up in a lot of ways — it’s really deep — but the important thing is getting past that mental block. When you unblock something it has a ripple effect and a bigger burden is lifted.”