3 Decluttering Projects Perfect for a Long Weekend
Sometimes I make a weekend to-do list - but an actual fun one because I forget what I could do with my time off.
I find myself scrolling through Netflix with movie-choice-paralysis, comparing ratings on Rotten Tomatoes (because I have to pick the perfect one…); or randomly pulling intense social commentary books out to place beside me and never read… but not actually doing anything remotely fun or productive. Are you the same?
Sometimes you just need to rest - like brain-dead-reset rest - and other times you really benefit from making a simple ‘could do’ list that will nudge you towards something you’ve been meaning to do. Because often when we get started we begin to actually enjoy things like decluttering and home improvement.
So… You’ve finally got a stretch of a few days to get to one or two things that have been on the back burner. If you’ve got the spoons, and you’re not sure where to start here are some great decluttering projects to do this weekend to claim back some precious space to relax:
(Pssst… if you don’t, there is a bonus decluttering project for exhausted beings too)
(Double Pssst… there is an affiliate link in this post [I’ll let you know which one] that if you click and make a purchase I’ll get a small percentage of the sale - thanks for supporting my small business this way!)
3 Decluttering Projects Perfect for a Long Weekend
1. Changing to a Lighter Duvet? Declutter your Linens
As I’m writing this, the throws of Spring have flooded upon us (my local blossom trees are blooming!) and it’s starting to get warmer in Ireland. You may be thinking about changing to your summer duvet (if that’s what you do) and taking a moment to reach to the top of your wardrobe to unsquish your old, lighter-togged friend.
When opportunities like this arise, I recommend piggy-backing on this unique and uncommon task to do some other out of the ordinary tasks. Take the chance to review your linen collection and weed out any duvets or sheets that are stained, worn or don’t match any others.
If you want to take it a step further, decide how many sets of sheets you need per bed (I call this your ‘magic number’) and choose the best of the bunch. We keep two sets per bed with one or two extra under sheets and that does us fine for washing and drying times.
While you’re already switching to spring/summer mode, you might also do a scan of your winter wardrobe and find what you didn’t wear this past season and add those to the discard pile also.
2. New Year’s Resolution Retired? Sell the Equipment
It’s happened to us all!
You had the best of intentions, but especially with all that’s going on this year, you just couldn’t keep it up. It’s hard to declutter expensive things and to feel like you are missing out, but I encourage you to ‘close tabs in your head’ by selling on that exercise bike, that bread maker, the high-brow books you bought to do the thing you planned to do (but sadly, didn’t) and give yourself a clean break and some space to try something new. It’s ok.
If it makes you feel any better, in November I bought this blue pedal exerciser and it lost my attention soon after the revolution counter stopped working (I was stronger than the market I guess!).
If you’re in Ireland, I recommend Adverts.ie to sell your items (or offer them for free) as well as TheBookShop.ie to post boxes of 25 good quality books for €0.40 each. Try Preloved if you are in the UK, for a similarly handy selling experience (this is an affiliate link).
3. Can Never Find that HDMi Cable?? Tackle the ‘Mystery’ Cable Box
Ohhh, I know this one is a doozy. This one requires taking the bull by the horns and going for it, considering that in almost every case you could re-buy any charger, connector or cable you might need (unless it’s for a 1985 discontinued fax machine, I guess…).
Think, what in this box does not have a use right now? If you’re not sure if that weird one is for the digital camera - go look now, the chance is upon you! Your biggest weapon is knowledge. Ask your techie sister or your dad to verify it or use our friend Google.
>>> If you’re stuck for what to call it, here are the most common cable types in circulation in Ireland and the UK.
Once you’ve picked out the ones you truly need, use masking tape to label each one with a marker - and be kind to your future self. While you’re at it, why not find a new way to organise your cables - I wrap mine up with wire ties and these amazing velcro organisers for a much easier life.
Bonus: Donate any unused laptops or iPads in the mix to the Tech 2 Students program so someone else can access online learning easier. Check out last week’s blog post for 11 more ways to get rid of unwanted stuff in Level 5 Lockdown.
Here is our jolly basket of cables (if you look closely you’ll see an iPod from 10 years ago…)
Bonus Project! Declutter your Weary Head
Make a list from all the stuff swimming on your head, put it away and relax with a good show… Sometimes that is the most productive thing you can do and rest is not something you have to earn. I heard this week that
‘Sometimes you hit a wall because you need to lean on it and rest a while’
Photo by Amina Filkins from Pexels
Well, I’m off to change my bedsheets! Wishing you a peaceful and restful Easter remembering that hope is still alive.
Suzy xx