60-Minute Home SOS
Happy New Year! I hope you’ve had as much fun as me cocooning under a duvet watching Christmas movies. I don’t think any of us were ready for the cold face of back-to-work Monday… with the promise of down to -7°C in Ireland in the next few days… oh, and Level 5 lockdown in Ireland.
Hubby and I braving the cold for a Christmas break walk (brrrrr)
So, this week I’ve got a 1 hour list to get your house functional and friendly - because not a soul is expecting perfection right now!
Just a reminder that you are worthy of love, no matter what state the house is in.
You need to prioritise good physical and mental health right now, do what you can xx
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Home SOS in 60 Minutes
Set a timer and let’s roll up our sleeves for a cosier house in just 1 hour…
You will need:
Your phone or another device to use as a timer (my baking thermometer has one, oooh)
Delivery boxes or large bags
Cleaning spray and cloths (nice ones available at The Hopsack)
Music & headphones (these are my favourite: Sony WH-1000XM3 Wireless Noise Cancelling Headphones **Affiliate Link**)
Let’s go!
Photo by Castorly Stock from Pexels
Step 1: Set a Timer (1 min)
Set your timer to countdown from 60 minutes.
This will help you stay on track and give you boost of urgency.
Step 2: Put on some Music (2 mins)
Whack on some bopping tunes to boost your mood.
I recommend some old Calvin Harris ;)
Vinícius Estevão from Pexels
Step 3: Create a ‘Nomad Box’ (3 min)
This is a box or basket (a spare Ikea bin or a delivery box) to capture everything that is out of place or does not have a home yet (like Christmas presents).
We’ll fill it as we go on - just place it somewhere central.
Step 4: Change the Bed Sheets (10 mins)
Is there anything else that feels as good as slipping into a freshly made bed?
Pull them all off, make a pile and bring them down to the washing machine. If you have energy, put on a load - if not, at least they are ready to go when you are.
If you feel overwhelmed, get someone to help you or just remake one bed right now.
Photo by Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas from Pexels
Step 5: Take out the Bins (5 mins)
Do you put this off too? I just hate the smells and finding shoes to put on.
I’ve realised that the bins are pivotal - for doing dishes (need to compost old food), for cooking (need to throw out food packaging) and clearing up wrapping paper and other random stuff from Christmas.
Psst - give the lids a 10-second wipe down before re-bagging them.
Step 6: Clear the Kitchen Counters (25 mins)
After being able to sleep, if you can easily prepare food you’re winning.
Find all of the rubbish. Stick anything to donate in the box you prepared. Make piles of papers and school stuff. Put away any food containers. Stick as much as you can in the dishwasher or do one draining board amount of dishes.
You’ve got this.
Step 7: Designate a Goal Shelf (10 mins)
If you’ve got resolutions, games, jigsaws or anything you’ve been using a lot lately in your free time - you know, the stuff that get’s left out on the coffee table… find one shelf that is your ‘goal shelf’.
Seeing them will remind you to take time for you, stop them going missing and keep them from making other rooms look cluttered.
In the process, stick anything you don’t need anymore in a donation box or the bin.
Step 8: Write a Note to Self (2 mins)
Are you being hard on yourself for not bounding into your living room/office to work at full capacity this week?
Write down something empowering and stick that bad boy on your fridge or your laptop.
I have a tiny note above my screen that says “You try your hardest” right now - it helps me believe it
Step 9: Stick on the Kettle (2 min)
You are done, dear warrior!
Take two minutes to boil the kettle, plop a teabag in your favourite mug and pull out a bit of leftover Christmas chocolate and sit down to admire your work.
All done!
1+2+3+10+5+25+10+2+2 = 60 minutes of love for your home
Just another reminder that you are worthy of love, no matter what state the house is in.
You need to prioritise good physical and mental health right now, do what you can
Big love, Suzy xx
Want more great decluttering tips?
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(P.S. You seem cool)